Productive Rehabilitation Section

Productive Rehabilitation Sections

Training includes the following professions and trades where the blind receive a qualification certificate at the end of the training period
First: Carpet section
The carpet section was opened in 1958 and the number of beneficiaries is 18 years
Second: Section of bamboo straw
In November 1962 the number of beneficiaries was 27
Third: Department of knitting
The department was established in 1983, and the number of beneficiaries in the knitting department is 6 blind
Fourth: Department tailor
This project was implemented in Nasr City in December 1986 and the actual work started in June 1998. The number of workers in Section 2 is blind girls and 8 endowed with eyesight.

Types of service provided
• Developing different skills for blind girls such as communication skills and dealing with others.
• Modifying the behavior of girls blind by guiding guidance.
• The work of 5 certificates of professional qualification up to 120 certificates.
• Give ID cards with a disability of up to 100 cards.
• Training girls in vocational training and training girls to use computers.
• The disbursement of material aid and eyes for married and sick cases.
• Providing Braille, maintenance and computer courses for the blind.
• Hosting for studies.
• Braille printing.
• Organizing educational and recreational activities for residents of blind girls.
• Provide medical care for the envelopes enrolled in the Society's sections.